Reasons you should take your dog on holiday

Picture yourself sipping a beverage by the pool while your furry best friend is left bored at home with a sitter or at a pet hotel. That sounds unpleasant for any dog-loving owner. The good news is that it's now simpler than ever to take your dog on vacation with you thanks to the rise of dog-friendly holiday homes, hotels, and more.

Here are some reasons travelling with your dog may be enjoyable and fulfilling for both of you:

  • Dogs make you more active on holiday

Even while you may like resting while on vacation, it's possible that occasionally you may spend too much time lounging by the pool rather than exploring the local area. But if you take a dog along, it's your duty to make sure they receive enough exercise, which usually involves going for regular walks.

You'll feel more adventurous if you take the dog out for a walk. Your dog will be delighted by all the new sights, sounds, and smells, and you may experience the location and the culture in a more genuine way by venturing outside of your lodging. In actuality, as many of us are prone to overindulging when on vacation, doing this might also help you maintain your fitness levels.

  • Your dog also deserves a break

Your dog will benefit greatly from a change of environment and from being given just leisure time. Dogs can sense our moods, so if you're a lot more at ease and haven't worried about work in a few days, they will be as well.

Additionally, by travelling with you, your dog will be able to experience things that might not be accessible at home, such as running around in big open spaces and having fun on dog-friendly beaches.

  • Wonderful opportunities for photos

Nothing is more enjoyable than going back and viewing old family and vacation pictures, so it makes it natural that you have some lovely images of your dog having fun, too.

Imagine capturing a beautiful image of your dog playing fetch along a beach or having the time of their life wherever you go on vacation. Simply put, you'll be delighted that you had wonderful photo opportunities with your furry best friend on holiday.

  • More time to spend together

A holiday gives you the chance to unwind and spend time with the people you care about. Stressful work schedules and demanding days can make it difficult to spend quality time with your dog. When you're on vacation, you may spend as much time as you want with each other, strengthening your bond and giving them the love and care they deserve.

  • You won't need a pet sitterĀ 

Pet sitting services might be pricey. This often entails that a stranger will reside in your house while caring for your dog. You may be apprehensive about what they are doing in your home while you are away.

Additionally, you don't want to feel like you're abandoning your dog at home while you are out and about having a fun time. Additionally, you can always make sure they are receiving the best treatment if your furry companion is by your side.

If you are looking for the perfect home for you and your furry best friend, get in touch with Seeff Hillcrest & Kloof today to find out more about how we can help you.

23 Nov 2022
Author Seeff Hillcrest & Kloof
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Hamptons International